
Photo: Jared Charney

Mattaya Fitts is a visual artist born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, whose practice encompasses painting, drawing, and photography within a studio and mural discipline. With a conceptual and figurative approach, Mattaya depicts life in a multi-layered way, inviting the viewer to interpret the work through a lens informed by personal narrative, metaphor, and nature. Her artworks demonstrate how life around us extends beyond its own subjective limits by merging several seemingly incompatible worlds into a fantastical universe.

Using form and color, she creates a visual vocabulary that addresses the complexities of living in a world of dualities. Her works appear as dreamlike images in which fiction and reality meet, tropes merge, meanings shift, past memories and the present fuse. Mattaya currently lives in Brooklyn, NY and is based in Boston and NYC. She often employs the moniker Misfitmuses, a nod to her name and the nature of her work (and an old blog that exists somewhere on the internet).